FormScore: understanding employee wellness and performance

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We don't play enough.

We work, we deal with our responsibilities, we might have a few hobbies but as adults, we do not play enough.

Do we play with our friends, with our children, with our colleagues?

If we boundary work-time and play-time we can be more creative. I think we can be happier and ultimately, our wellbeing will improve.

How to get more play into our life:

  • Give our children dedicated time where we are focusing completely on them and playing at their level. This brings a sense of joy and connection

  • Find things to play ourselves that give us joy. Playing board games and make things creatively with friends.

  • Creative pursuits, with other people outside of the workplace, bring a sense of play and laughter.

  • Think of how we can bring play into the workplace.

Can we work on social activities with our colleagues that stimulate a creative process? Think problem-solving, away days. Let’s bring more play and laughter into our life.
