Bespoke Drivers of Form for Employees
FormScore for Teams just got better! We’re excited to announce a new feature: Bespoke Drivers for your organisation.
Whether you use the mobile app, the email tool or the FormScore browser plug-in:
View of the bespoke drivers in addition to the default drivers in the email tool
Take a moment to reflect on how you feel and what drives your form.
With each anonymous score, you share what’s boosting or lowering you form. Your scores are your feedback on things that can be improved both in personal life and at work, which helps wellbeing leads provide tailored support based on your team’s Drivers of Form.
As a reminder, we do not share any of your personal data or individual FormScores, with your employer. Full Stop. Period.
Scores are aggregated anonymously to provide insights into the wellbeing of the organisation so your organisation can take action based on the the drivers that affect you the most.
How to access the latest features
To ensure that you always have access to the latest features, please enable the ‘Automatic Downloads’ in your phone’s settings.
Navigate to Settings
Tap App Store
Turn on App Updates
If you'd prefer to update all of your apps manually, turn off automatic updates. When you do this, you'll receive notifications from the App Store whenever an update for one of your apps has been released.
Make use of the bespoke Drivers:
Open the FormScore app
Navigate to the Home tab and choose the score that represents your form now.
Click Add Reasons. In the top you will see the default Drivers of From, as usual.
To choose from the bespoke drivers of Form scroll further down.
Choose how drivers affect your form by clicking on the Boosting Form and Lowering Form tab at the top of the page.
Select as many drivers are relevant to you, both from the default list and the bespoke list.
Save your Score.
View of the bespoke drivers in addition to the default drivers in the FormScore app
Have fun exploring the Discover library and please share your feedback, or suggestions for new resources.